FUTMINNA Acceptance Fee Payment & Clearance Procedure 2022/2023

The Federal University of Technology Minna, FUTMINNA Acceptance Fee Payment & Clearance Procedure for 2022/2023 Session.
See the procedure below.
This notice is for students who were newly admitted into Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMINNA).
The school management has finally released the acceptance fee payment and clearance procedure for 2022/2023 academic session.
FUTMINNA Fresh students should strictly adhere to the steps below.
How to Make FUTMINNA Acceptance Fee Payment
Make sure you were admitted in FUTMINNA Admission List for 2022/2023 Session.
If you were admitted, Print/Reprint your admission status, so that you can retrieve your STUDENT ID.
Click here to visit the Acceptance Fee Payment page. (A Login Page is displayed) Click on the Link ‘Request for new Password’ on the Login page.
Enter your STUDENT ID Click ‘Submit’ button A page is displayed, showing the email created for you by the school.
Note: To Access your school email
i. Visit the school website; www.futminna.edu.ng
ii. Click on the Student Menu on the website
iii. A page is displayed showing Student Resources. Scroll down and click on Student e-mail.
iv. Enter your school email and your password. (Note: Your Password is your JAMB Registration Number).
The system will prompt you to change your password.
v. Click on the inbox to retrieve the code sent to your email. (Note: If there is no code in the inbox, check the Spam folder for the code)
Click on the link below to continue to Acceptance Fee Payment page. (A Login Page is displayed) Enter your Student Id and the code from the email as password.
Click on the Login button A page will be displayed prompting you to set your password. (Note: When prompted enter the code from your email as old password then create your own password).
Login with your Student ID and the password you just created. (Note: Keep your Password Safe) Your Portal page will be displayed showing your record.
Click on the Acceptance Fee menu on the left pane.
Select payment type and click on submit button to complete your transaction.