How to calculate FUOYE screening point by Abiola Update (FUOYEUPDATETV)
Calculation of fuoye screening point required the addition of O-LEVEL points, UTME point and the number of sittings. There are 3 steps to calculate fuoye screening point :
Step 1 : O’ Level Result Points for Fuoye Cut-off Mark
A1 = 6 points
B2 = 5 points
B3 = 4 points
C4 = 3 points
C5 = 2 points
C6 = 1 point
You will calculate for five relevant subjects to your course of choice and add up.
Step 2 : Sitting Point
One sitting is 10 points
Two sittings is 6points
Step 3 : To Calculate Fuoye Cut off Mark for UTME Aspirant
Divide your Utme score by 400, then multiply by 60 then add your total O’ level points and add the total number of sittings to get your final result.
For example: Abiola scored 200 in UTME and has B2 at one sitting in all 5 subjects for his course of choice.
Calculation will be:5 x 5 = 25 (O’ Level Point)
200 ÷ 400 x 60 = 30 (UTME Point)
O’ Level at 1 sitting = 10 Points (Number of sittings point)
Then the total will by done by adding the O’level point, UTME point and Number of sittings point which is 25+30+10 = 65 points
Then the screening point is 65 points.
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