LASU Sandwich Clearance Procedure for Freshers 2021

LASU Sandwich Clearance Procedure for Freshers 2021
Lagos State University (LASU) New Sandwich Students Clearance Procedure for 2021 Modular Year. Candidates admitted to the Lagos State University, LASU SANDWICH DEGREE PROGRAMME in the 2021 Modular year are expected to involve in the online admissions clearance process using the LASU Central Admissions Clearance App (SANDWICH-LACACA). At the conclusion of the LACACA procedure, successful candidates will be matriculation numbers, while failing candidates will be considered to have forfeited their provisional admissions offer. Because the LACACA operation is a product of the LASU Consult Limited, all participating and admitted SANDWICH candidates in the 2021 Modular year must pay for the consultancy service via the LASU Consult Ltd. account shown below:
Bank: PROVIDUS Account Account Name: LASU CONSULT
Account Number: 1400352984
Amount: N5,000
LASU Sandwich Clearance Procedure Visit LASU Website – Point to STUDENT Tab and click on SANDWICH LACACA Enter your Application Number and Surname, click on Submit Upon successful login, you will be re-directed to your dashboard where you will be expected to complete the following:
Validate your basic bio-data details
Verify disability status
Upload valid O’Level Results Scratch card details
Birth Certificate
Higher Qualification for direct entry students
Upload scanned Signature
Upload the Payment Receipt of the Consultancy Fee already paid into the LASU Consult Ltd account.
(Note that: both the printing of SANDWICH Admission Clearance Certificate AND Issuance of Matriculation Number are subject to the eventual successful confirmation of the consultancy fee from the LASU Consult Ltd).
Submit the application by checking the “I Agree” text box and then click on Submit.
At this stage, the Admission Clearance will be on 20% while the documents have been submitted for further scrutiny by dedicated University officials You are expected to check for the progress of the Admission Clearance as your attention may be required based on your uploaded documents Candidates with error(s) that require correction will be required to pay for correction of such error(s) on the LASU payment portal – Upon attainment of 100% clearance progress and confirmation of Consultancy fee paid into LASU Consult Ltd. account, successful candidate will be able to print SANDWICH Admission Clearance Certificate for the 2021/2022 Academic Session and assigned a Matriculation Number.
PS: Rejected students are advised to visit the Sandwich Directorate for further guidance