Are you interested in knowing ijmb points for abu zaria? If so, then you are in the right page. Feel relaxed and make sure you read it to the end.

ijmb points for abu zaria

IJMB simply means Interim Joint Admission Board(IJMB). It is an Advanced Level(Alevel) program which is run for nine(9) months aimed at securing admission for students that was unable to gain admission through the UTME. After the success, the candidate will gain admission to the university of his/her choice into 200level directly. Isn’t that cool?

This program is almost a year program made up of one session and two academics semester. Student who enroll for this program are given admission to start the program immediately.

IJMB have made lots of student who were not able to gain admission through the normal JAMB to gain admission to the university of their choice. Like JAMB, every student have to reach a point before he will be considered for admission into the university of their choice or course of their choice.

After the IJMB exam, many student have been curious on knowing the points needed for admission into their various university of choice. The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) is an A-Level exam that is conducted all over the country.

This program started from Ahmodu Bello University Zaria in other to reduce the number of applicant viewing to enter the university with JAMB.

How Many point is the Programm

The program is marked over 15. Each of the four subject have it on mark which is use to grade it. You total point is the cumulative points of all the four subject.

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IJMB Grading system

Score                                             Grades                                                                 Points

70-100                                           A                                                                5

60-69                                             B                                                                 4

50-59                                             C                                                                 3

45-49                                             D                                                                  2

40-44                                             E                                                                   1

0-39                                               F                                                                  0


A = 5 Points

B = 4 points

C = 3 points

D = 2 points

E = 1 points

F = 0 points

IJMB Points For ABU ZARIA(Grade Point)

ABU Zaria is one of the most competitive school in the Northern part of the country. Gaining admission into this university requires lots of strength and hard work. The IJMB point for gaining admission to Abu Zaria is usual 8-10 points and above.

However, this points may be higher depending on the course your want to study. Students aspiring for MBBS, Pharmacy, Law, Accountancy, Nursing, Engineering and other top competitive course are expected to score above this point.

For the MBBS students, it is expected you score above 13 points to be on the safer side.

Importance Of IJMB Program

Many student that want to enroll for this program have little or no knowledge about the program thereby making them not t be interested in it. However, we be listing some of the benefits of IJMB for intending students.

IJMB is widely accepted by all the universities in the Northern part of the country. Think of any university in the North, both Federal, state and private accepts the IJMB program. This makes it easy for the student using this certificate to gain admission to any university of their choice in the northern area so far they crossed the university cut off point.
You will be offered admission to the 200 level with IJMB. On successful completion of your program, you will offer admission to 200 level so you won’t do 100 level again as the program curriculum is equivalent to 100 level scheme. However, some departments might not accept students into the 200 level and in such a scenario, you will be required to repeat 100 very rare levels.

IJMB exposes you to the university lifestyle. Most of the centres offering the program in Nigeria are located in tertiary institutions, so they will be mixed up with the university student and the IJMB students.
It is very cheap and affordable. IJMB program is not that expensive compared to another A-level programs in the country. This gives it an edge over other programs.
You can apply for any course of your choice. After completing the program, you can use your result to apply for any course in the university. So make sure the course you are applying for is accredited in other to avoid wasting time.
The results can last for over 5 years. Unlike JAMB which only lasts for one year, IJMB results can last for 5 years. Meaning after five years, it will not be considered for admission again.

How To Apply For IJMB

To apply for IJMB is very easy. Go to the center you want to enroll with, you will be asked to bring some of your credentials like O’level Results(statement/original), birth certificate and your name.

After then, you will make some payment online, do well to keep the receipt safe as it will be asked off in due time.

Number of Subjects Offered

The number of subjects offered depends on the course you want to study in the university. This subjects is also the same with that in JAMB. Click to check subject combination.

Basically, you will offer four subject with English inclusive, and any other three subjects related to your field.

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