Does Rufus Giwa Polytechnic(RUGIPO) accept NABTEB results for admission?
Applicants who have NABTEB result and you wish to gain admission with it in RUGIPO then you maybe probably wonder if RUGIPO accept NABTEB results.
Can RUGIPO accept my NABTEB result instead of WAEC or NECO?
Feel relaxed and make sure you read this post to the end,In this post, we have provided answers to the questions you may have concerning the use of NABTEB result to gain admission into Rufus Giwa Polytechnic(RUGIPO).
RUGIPO accept NABTEB results?
Checking to know if the Rufus Giwa Polytechnic(RUGIPO) Accept NABTEB results for admission is what we are going to discuss in this article.
Do you want to apply for admission to study in RUGIPO? Do you want to apply with NABTEB Result into RUGIPO? If so, then this article will be of interest as we are going to answer your questions in just a moment. But before then, what is NABTEB? NABTEB is an acronym for National Business And Technical Examination Baord.
The results issued after the Examination is NABTEB Result and can be used to apply for admission into higher institutions in Nigeria (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges Of Education).
WAEC Result And NECO Result has more popularity than NABTEB Result and that is why some people ask whether Federal Polytechnic Ede(EDEPOLY) accept NABTEB result.
Let me answer the question now:Does RUGIPO accept NABTEB results?
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic(RUGIPO) accept NABTEB results If you have NABTEB result and credited all the subjects required for your course then you can use it for admission into Rufus Giwa Polytechnic(RUGIPO).
We are very pleased to announce to you that the Federal Government has endorsed certificates awarded by the National Business And Technical Examination Board (NABTEB) for admission into Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education in Nigeria.
No University or Higher Institution in the country has the right to discriminate the Certificate awarded by the Board.
So with the above statement, it therefor means that RUGIPO accept NABTEB results for Admission unless otherwise stated by the school. However, Candidates who wish to apply for admission are advised to check JAMB Brochure to be fully sure that the NABTEB Certificate is accepted in RUGIPO.