IPTS, FUOYE issues fresh notice on resumption date

Important Notice to all Returning and Newly Admitted Student of Institute of Part Time Studies
This serves to inform all the returning and the newly admitted Students of the Institute of Part-time Studies, FUOYE that the resumption date for the first semester, 2021/2022 academic session earlier slated for Monday 25th July, 2022 has been postponed to Tuesday 9th August, 2022.
*Consequently, you are hereby put on notice for the new resumption date which is Tuesday 9th August, 2022 and to note further that academic activities commences immediately upon resumption.*
Consequently, all students (both returning and newly admitted) are expected to pay all their fees on or before the resumption date as stated above. Interestingly, the University Management has again acceded to the plead of the Ag. Director of the Institute *to allow the students to pay twice for their tuition fee(s) ONLY* as you are expected to pay all other fees in full as provided for on your individual’s portal.
Importantly for the newly admitted students, we are equally using this medium to charge you to pay all your fee as aforementioned so as to do your registration on time and to avoid missing of examination and results which most of our returning students are still battling due to their lackadaisical attitude toward paying their fees on time, till this moment, many of them still have their stories to tell in this respect. Therefore, to avoid this ugly experience, you are strongly advised to pay all your fees as directed above.
To login on your portal, visit: ecampus.fuoye.edu.ng/portal with your Student’s login details.
Thank you.
*Babajide O. Ogunjana, Esq.*
_Admin. Secretary, IPTS_
_For: Ag. Director, IPTS_